
“The first meeting which defined the objects and established and the rules of the Society, took place on the June 18th, 1846, at the suggestion of a few gentleman in the town and neighbourhood of Lewes, who observing the interest excited by some recent antiquarian discoveries, were anxious to promote a readier acquaintance among persons attached to the same pursuits, and to combine their exertions in illustrations of the History and Antiquities of Sussex.” Volume 1 Sussex Archaeological Collections.

Much has changed since 1846; the Society has grown from 90 Members to over 1,900 in 2021, the number of historic sites we care for and the collections we look after has grown, but the Society still stays true to our aims to enable people to enjoy, learn about and have access to the heritage of Sussex.

A new exhibition celebrating 175 years of collecting is due to launch at Lewes Castle and Museum next month, details will be on the website soon.

The Society would like to thank all our members, visitors, staff, volunteers and supporters, both past and present, for their support and generosity.

Looking forward to another 175 years!