Monday 8th April

Have you discovered an archaeological object in your garden or during a walk and want to learn more about it?

If so, you can book a 10-minute slot with our Finds Liaison Officer from the Portable Antiquities Scheme, who can offer guidance and help identify your unique and fascinating archaeological discoveries. Secure your spot by booking a pre-arranged appointment below.

Please note that these slots are for members of the public who have found items in their garden or when out walking etc. If you’re a metal detectorist and would like to record your detected finds with the Portable Antiquities Scheme then please email the Finds Liaison Officer (FLO) at flo@sussexpast.co.uk directly for a finds appointment, rather than booking one of the spaces below.

About the event:

Venue: Fishbourne Roman Palace, Roman Way, Chichester PO19 3QR
Date: Monday 8th April
Timeslots: 10am, 10.10am, 10.20am, 10.30am, 10.40am, 10.50am

Booking a space

Spaces are free and can be booked below. Please book one space only.

It would be helpful for us if you could write a description of your item on the booking page in the ‘order notes’ section.

Day Admission
Annual Pass Holder Day Visit
Annual Pass Holder Day Visit Upgrade
Organisation Members Admission
An optional short paragraph of text to describe the ticket category
1) Please select your tickets
2) Please choose a timeslot
Good availability
Medium availability
Bad availability