
Hop into Easter at Fishbourne Roman Palace

Roman Rabbit Trail – 5th – 21st April
Did you know that Fishbourne Roman Palace was home to the country’s first-ever rabbit nearly 2,000 years ago?

Hare around our gardens and see if you can find the mischievous rabbits who are hiding from Simon the Gardener. Complete the trail and receive a sweet treat at the end.

Included with admission

Easter Surprises – Monday 14th to Friday 18th April
Get stuck into fun family activities for all ages, including:

– Make a bunny pot and plant Roman carrots
– Create your own Roman sundial
– Wildlife trail with animal colouring
– Play Roman games
– Dressing up and colouring

Activities are included with general admission and donations are greatly appreciated.

Admission will include access to the whole site, allowing visitors to marvel at the magnificent mosaics, explore its history and view hundreds of items excavated when the site was discovered in the 1960s.

Book tickets

Opening Times

Fishbourne Roman Palace is just outside Chichester and easily reached from Portsmouth, Southampton, Brighton and Winchester. There is ample free parking on site. Visitors can also get the train (Fishbourne station is a 5 minute walk away) or cycle from Chichester city centre (25 minutes).

Opening times are 10am to 4pm with last admission 30 minutes before closing.


Admission is £13.95 for adults, £13 for seniors and children aged 5 to 17 cost £6.95. Under 5s go free. Discounted family tickets start at £29.

Those who chose to Gift Aid their admission are entitled to 12 months free entry from the date of visit.

Members of The Sussex Archaeological Society can visit any of our sites for free.

About us

Fishbourne Roman Palace

Owned by Sussex Past, a trading name for The Sussex Archaeological Society, Fishbourne Roman Palace is an exceptionally well-preserved Roman site located near Fishbourne in West Sussex, England.

Built in the 1st century AD, the palace represents one of the largest residential Roman structures discovered in Great Britain. Its remarkable remains offer a glimpse into the opulent lifestyle of the Roman elite and provide valuable insights into the history of the region.

The Sussex Archaeological Society

The Sussex Archaeological Society was founded in 1846 and is the oldest organisation of its kind in the country. It is a registered charity that opens historic houses and gardens to the public, curates six fully accredited museums and undertakes and encourages research.

The heritages sites it cares for under its Sussex Past brand include Lewes Castle & Museum, Fishbourne Roman Palace & Gardens, Anne of Cleves House Museum & Gardens, Michelham Priory House & Gardens, Marlipins Museum, the Priest House & Garden, and the Long Man of Wilmington.

As a registered charity, we rely on the support of our Members, visitors, event guests and donors in order to continue our work in protecting and preserving Sussex heritage.

From our visitors

"Incredibly stunning place. You get a medieval feel and can imagine being there as a King. They have done well to keep it like this and would highly recommend"

TheoB via Tripadvisor - Lewes Castle

“A Trip Back in Time. Fascinating history of the Roman Palace. Well explained. Lots to see in the museum and the remains. Incredible detail in the layout of the Palace.”

Sue A via Tripadvisor - Fishbourne Roman Palace

“Go Visit NOW! The gardens are genuinely some of the most beautiful we’ve seen. We are going back soon.”

HorshamLass via Tripadvisor - Michelham Priory

“This was such an interesting place to come to. You could really feel the history of this place.”

Fifi582014 via Tripadvisor - The Priest House and Gardens